
ダーウィンの日記1834年1月1日と2日 [ダーウィンの日記(II)]


ダーウィンの日記(パタゴニア; ポート・デザイア)



遠くの丘まで歩いた。頂上にインディアン[先住民]の墓を見つけた。 インディアンたちはいつも彼等の死者を最も高い丘、もしくは海に突き出している岬に埋める。 この理由で彼等はこの辺に来るのだろうと私は思う。彼等が時々訪れていることは、いくつもの小さな焚火の跡やその近くのウマの骨から明らかである。


[注] 原文"two tuns"。タンは容積の単位です。ただし、ダーウィンはタン("tun")と重さの単位のトン("ton")とを混同して用いているのではないかと考えられる場合があるので注意が必要かと思われます。特に船の大きさに関してはダーウィンはタンで書いています。


[注] "最も高い丘、もしくは海につき出している岬" と上の1日付けの記事にあります。

[地図] ポート・デザイア[プエルト・デセアド]..

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[天候] 1834年1月1日正午の天候:


January 1st
Walked to a distant hill; we found at the top an Indian grave. The Indians always bury their dead on the highest hill, or on some headland projecting into the sea. — I imagine it is for this reason they come here; that they do pay occasional visits is evident, from the remains of several small fires & horses bones near them. —
A party of officers accompanied me to ransack the Indian grave in hopes of finding some antiquarian remains. — The grave consisted of a heap of large stones placed with some care, it was on the summit of the hill, & at the foot of a ledge of rock about 6 feet high. — In front of this & about 3 yards from it they had placed two immense fragments, each weighing at least two tuns, & resting on each other. — These in all probability were originally in nearly the same position & only just moved by the Indians to answer their purpose. — At the bottom of the grave on the hard rock, there was a layer of earth about a foot deep; this had must have been brought from the plain below; the vegetable fibres, from the lodgement of water, were converted into a sort of Peat. — Above this a pavement of flat stones, & then a large heap of rude stones, piled up so as to fill up the interval between the ledge & the two large stones. — To complete the grave, the Indians had contrived to detach from the ledge an immense block (probably there was a crack) & throw it over the pile so as to rest on the two other great fragments. We undermined the grave on both sides under the last block; but there were no bones. — I can only account for it, by giving great antiquity to the grave & supposing water & changes in climate had utterly decomposed every fragment. — We found on the neighbouring heights 3 other & much smaller heaps of stones. — they had all been displaced; perhaps by sealers or other Voyagers. — It is said, that where an Indian dies, he is buried; but that subsequently his bones are taken up & carried to such situations as have been mentioned. — I think this custom can easily be accounted for by recollecting, that before the importation of horses, these Indians must have led nearly the same life as the Fuegians, & therefore in the neighbourhead of the sea. — The common prejudice of lying where your ancestors have lain, would make the now roaming Indians bring the less perishable part of their dead to the ancient burial grounds. —[ 'A sketch in the margin appears to illustrate the arrangement of the stones.]

[日記原典] Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.

ダーウィンの日記の1831年10月24日から1832年9月14日までの分はアーカイヴ的に"ダーウィンの日記(I)"として次のところにおいてあります.. (トップページ;すなわち1832年9月14日分) (冒頭部;前書き)

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by 春分 (2009-01-25 10:18) 


by さとふみ (2009-01-25 10:39) 
